This Week On Sling TV

Mar 09, 2015 by Sling Staff

I don’t know if I’ve ever come back from a vacation without having indulged in extensive fantasizing about packing it all up and opening my own bar/restaurant/hotel in paradise. But then I start to think about the practical realities of such a thing and my grand plans don’t make it past the airport Cinnabon. The premiere of Hotel Amazon follows a pair of New Yorkers as they set up a luxury resort in Peru, so I don’t have to drain my savings in pursuit of an impossible dream; I can just watch them do it! (10pm Monday, Travel Channel)

Word on the street is that the identity of the mysterious ‘A,’ the secret string-pulling antagonist of ABC Family’s delightfully trashy teen soap Pretty Little Liars, will be revealed by the end of this season. With only three episodes to go, this could be the week, as Alison’s trial begins and the liars try to clear Hanna’s name. (8pm Tuesday, ABC Family)

The National Park Service was one of Theodore Roosevelt’s most lasting accomplishments as president, but that was over a hundred years ago. How viable are these things in the 21st Century, as budgets continue to fall and taxpayers increasingly balk at shoring them up? Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man investigates. (9pm Thursday, CNN)

Josh Gates follows the most famous trail of breadcrumbs in history as Expedition: Unknown tries to solve the disappearance of aviatrix Amelia Earheart, with stops in tribal Papua New Guinea and the island of Fiji. (9pm Thursday, Travel Channel)

It wasn’t so long ago that to be called a nerd was to have one’s honor impugned, followed by fisticuffs or pistols at dawn. If TBS’ King of the Nerds is any indication, those days are long gone, as we now have self-described nerds competing to prove who is nerdiest in a cross between The Celebrity Apprentice and Ain’t It Cool News. The season 1 finale, like all its other episodes, is hosted by REVENGE OF THE NERDS stars Robert Carradine and Curtis Armstrong, and unlike that ‘80s film classic, is unlikely to include any retrospectively uncomfortable rape humor. (9pm Friday, TBS)

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