Star Wars Rebels: A New Hope

After the disastrous, soul-flaying debacles of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, fans of the galaxy far, far away felt abused, betrayed, and worst of all, bored. Somehow, the very same man who conceived the Star Wars universe, who wrote and directed the first movie back in 1977 and produced two rapturously received sequels, seemed to forget what made his little space opera such an enduring, iconic cinematic landmark. George Lucas answered millions of fanboys’ prayers when he announced he was making a second film trilogy to fill in the backstory only hinted at in the original movies, and then he let us all down by delivering a plodding, clumsily plotted, humorless set of 150-minute commercials for toys no one wanted (except Darth Maul).... Read More