EXCLUSIVE: Banshee's Matt Servitto Talks Season 4

You know Matt Servitto if you’ve seen The Sopranos (he played FBI agent Dwight Harris), various films including the 2005 blockbuster Hitch, and of course as Brock Lotus on Banshee. Servitto began the show a pale, rather doughy career cop and by the time season four rolls around, you can see the dedication of the character on Servitto’s shape: he is cut, bearded, tanned and ready for action.
Servitto joined us to chat about the final season of the show, the evolution of his character, and shined some light on what he calls the greatest acting exercise of his 25-year career.
Steven Schott: I got to tell you, I love the character of Brock. His journey is absolutely incredible. We first meet him as a buttoned-up lawman... Read More